Happy Halloween!
It's a John Cleese reference.
52 #25: Kite-Man! NOOOO!
(My first attempt at embedding video.) From some talented (and crazy) Atlanta performers...
And to conclude, I couldn't let the week go by without taking note of a master of the form (so to speak): Dave Stevens, represented here with his "Return of Valkyrie" cover from Eclipse's Airboy #5.
And, because turnabout is fair play (and because I've neglected the "Beefcake" aspect of Cheesecake/ Beefcake Appreciation Week), I present a link to Laura Molina's Naked Dave paintings. Warning: Highly personal and emotional facts are contained therein. After reading it, I've completely lost all respect for Dave Stevens as a person, though I still admire his artwork...it's that old Richard Wagner "the artist vs. the work" dilemma, which is another reason I've chosen the Valkyrie piece over any of his other covers or panels.
I just got back from seeing "Much Ado About Nothing" at PushPush Theater, just in the nick of time (this is its closing weekend). Director Tim Habeger and the entire cast really made the play come alive, with several performers playing multiple roles and bringing every one of them to vivid life. Particular kudos to Justin Welborn as Claudio and Dogberry, Brenda Norbeck as Beatrice and Conrade, and Randy Havens as Benedick and Borachio. Great job all around!
Another bit of fun that's been going around for a few days: The Suicide Squad Briefing Meme originated in Random Panels. Now, here is the Squad's latest mission:
I don't know how much actual trick-or-treating is done in these more safety-conscious times, but I just wanted to share an idea for a harmless way to mess with the kids' minds if they come to your door:
A few really fun shows at Dad's Garage this week. The funny thing: Both the Thursday and Friday night shows (by two completely different sets of improvisors) had scenes dealing with pyromaniac characters. The big difference: While Jenny only mimed burning things on Thursday night, George was actually (and persistently) lighting paper on fire on-stage (much to Scott's dismay). Shine on, you crazy diamond...
In a rare occurrence, I was unable to see any improv shows this week. A hectic schedule in my day job turned it into a day-and-night job, keeping me from seeing The Doug Dank Project, The Gorgeous Ladies of Comedy's breast-cancer research benefit show, or any of the Dad's Garage shows...and then tonight, I'd hoped to get my ad-lib fix at the Laughing Matters show, but they wound up having to cancel due to poor attendance. (Damn that football game!)
Something that came to me in a dream last night. It started out with me and some friends sitting at the table, when one of them (Z) accidentally knocked a bowl of cereal on the floor. However, when he picked it up, the dream suddenly morphed from a domestic scene into a commercial, with Z doing the pitch for...