Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
What I Sang 3-27
From tonight's karaoke at El Azteca:
"Senses Working Overtime" by XTC.
"Moonlight Feels Right" by Starbuck.
"Young Turks" by Rod Stewart.
"Everybody Needs Somebody" by The Blues Brothers.
Labels: karaoke
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
VHS Vednesday: Double Exposure
DOUBLE EXPOSURE (1982). Directed by William Byron Hillman. Starring Michael Callan, Joanna Pettet, and James Stacy.

Labels: vhs vednesday
Scandal! Episode 4
While Episode 3 was cancelled due to a power failure, I have just finished posting the synopsis of Scandal! Episode 4:
(And hey, Blockade Boy! Once again, I've managed to incorporate one of your trademarks into the story!)
Labels: dad's garage, kicky little hat, scandal
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Kids' Jokes for Foolio 3-22
I had to miss the past couple of weeks of "Uncle Grampa's Hoo-Dilly Storytime," but I was able to make it out there here is the return of Kids' Jokes for Foolio!
"Foolio, you're a chicken!"
"Why did the bubble gum cross the road?"
"Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot!"
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because he wanted to get to the fence on the other side!"
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Juan who?"
"Juan day, I'll get a cat of my own."
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because he felt like it!"
"Why did the elephant cross the road?"
"To get to the chicken!"
"Why did the elephant cross the playground?"
"To run off the cliff, to get away from Foolio's jokes!"
"Why did the pig cross the road?"
"He was stuck on some gum!"
Labels: dad's garage, foolio, jokes, uncle grampa
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What I Sang 3/19 AND 3/20
It's a double-dose, since I didn't have a chance to post earlier.
From last night at Midtown Tavern (for "80s Movie Night"):
"In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel (hold your boom box high!)
"Wild Wild Life" by Talking Heads.
And tonight at El Azteca:
"Situation" by Yaz.
"Satellite of Love" by Lou Reed.
"It's a Sin" by Pet Shop Boys (in honor of "Indulgences," opening this weekend at Dad's Garage!)
Labels: karaoke
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
VHS Vednesday: Lunch Wagon
Well, last week I went highbrow, so today I'll take the low, low road, by remembering those bygone days of cheerful drive-in sexploitation. (Also, since I've been told that tonight's karaoke theme will be "80s Movie Night," I'll mark the occasion with a vintage '80s soundtrack.)
LUNCH WAGON (1981). Directed by Ernest Pintoff. Starring Pamela Jean Bryant, Rosanne Katon, Candy Moore, and Dale Bozzio.

Labels: vhs vednesday
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
A song of Irish beauty...sung by, um, a Scotsman.
Yeah, I know I used this song last year, but that was a different clip from the end of the movie.
Labels: sean connery, st. patrick's day
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Like a Hospital for People Who Are Well
Heading out to see They Might Be Giants at Variety Playhouse this evening! Whoo-hoo!
Labels: they might be giants
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
VHS Vednesday: Caravaggio
Okay, I know that so far, my "VHS Vednesday" reviews have focused mostly on low-budget thrillers of varying degrees of quality...but you know, just because a movie hasn't gotten a DVD release yet doesn't mean it's schlocky. So, this week, I'm going highbrow.
CARAVAGGIO (1986). Directed by Derek Jarman. Starring Nigel Terry, Sean Bean, Tilda Swinton, Robbie Coltrane, and Michael Gough.
The late British director Derek Jarman was known for his striking visual style--he was a painter and poet as well as a filmmaker. With his background in the arts, it's unsurprising that perhaps his most widely-known film would be about a great artist. Caravaggio stars Nigel Terry (an acclaimed British stage actor, most familiar to US audiences as King Arthur from John Boorman's Excalibur) as the famed Italian Baroque artist Michelangelo Caravaggio, in a predominantly fictionalized, symbolic account of the painter's life, from his childhood to his rise to fame to his exile and death. A young Sean Bean co-stars as Ranuccio Tomassoni; while there is little historic evidence for Caravaggio knowing Tomassoni before the 1606 brawl in which Caravaggio killed the younger man, Jarman presents a complex love-hate relationship between Caravaggio (the passionate artist) and Ranuccio (the streetwise, manipulative hustler). Recent Oscar-winner Tilda Swinton makes her film debut as the fictitious Lena, a gypsy prostitute who becomes Caravaggio's muse and Ranuccio's lover. In smaller roles, the familiar screen veteran Michael Gough brings his trademark gravitas to his portrayal of Caravaggio's patron Cardinal, and Robbie Coltrane is wonderfully slimy as the Pope's lecherous nephew.
While many of Jarman's films completely disregard conventional narrative (including such completely abstract works as The Last of England and The Garden), Caravaggio is one of his most straightforward pictures. However, several of Jarman's trademarks are still on display...deliberate anachronism, striking tableaux (sometimes both at once, as in a scene where one of Caravaggio's critics pounds out a scathing review on a typewriter, before settling back in his bath in a re-creation of Jacques-Louis David's The Death of Marat), and eloquent (occasionally sexually explicit) monologues. It's not for all tastes, perhaps, but I found it an engrossing viewing experience.
Who's Leaving This Off Their Resume?
No one. None of the people involved in this production have any reason not to be proud of it.
Labels: vhs vednesday
SCANDAL! Episode 2
The latest SCANDAL! episode synopsis is up:
Be warned, this episode takes a turn into very crude territory...but it probably wouldn't be SCANDAL! if it didn't.
Labels: dad's garage, scandal
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Rakete Bee Bee? Rakete Bee Zee.
Tonight at Dad's Garage, I plan on attending a special midnight-show performance of Kurt Schwitters' legendary dada sound-poem "Die Ursonate." A small sampling:
Labels: dad's garage, dada, kurt schwitters, ursonate
Thursday, March 06, 2008
What I Sang 3-6
A new week, a new venue (El Azteca):
"She's Like the Wind" by Patrick Swayze (sending my best wishes his way)
"Love Is Strange" by Mickey & Sylvia (a duet with Jessica the Destroyer--and check out the link to see young Ewan McGregor!)
"Invincible" by Pat Benatar
"Lightning Strikes" by Lou Christie. (Though I'm more fond of the version below...)
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
VHS Vednesday: Party Line
PARTY LINE (1988). Starring Richard Hatch, Shawn Weatherley, Leif Garrett, and Greta Blackburn.

Despite the impression given by the salacious video box cover above, the killers in this movie are actually preying on men (which makes for a refreshing change from most slasher fare). The killers in question are Seth (Leif Garrett) and Angelica (Greta Blackburn), a supremely dysfunctional brother-sister pair who take out their anger at their dead abusive father by striking at unfaithful husbands like him. Angelica lures the suckers into bed, and Seth makes short work of them with Daddy's straight razor.
Maverick cop Dan Bridges (Richard Hatch--the Battlestar Galactica guy, not the Survivor guy) gets pulled into the case when the psycho siblings claim a victim at the nightclub where he's keeping tabs on a pimp. The case gets personal when Dan's girlfriend, a motorcycle cop nicknamed "Butch" (Marty Dudek), has the misfortune of pulling Seth over for speeding and becoming collateral damage. Now, it's no more Mr. Nice Guy. Well, kind of. I like Richard Hatch, but if there's one thing he's not, it's a bad-ass. It's fun watching him try, though.
Of course, the movie tries to play up Dan's supposed bad-assery by hammering home the old trope of "maverick = good, by-the-book = bad." Even when it's pointed out that Dan's disregard of procedure and civil liberties ruined the D.A.'s case against a killer (and freed him to kill again), we're supposed to think that it's the D.A. who's the asshole. It's that kind of movie.
The high point of the movie is the twisted relationship of Seth and Angelina. Leif Garrett and Greta Blackburn play their scenes with gusto, with Garrett convincingly portraying Seth's cold menace...which dissipates into weak snivelling when his dominant sister confronts him. Plus, he's in drag for the final showdown. That's right, Leif Garrett as a psycho killer in a wedding dress. What more could you want? (Okay, you could want a better script, tighter direction, and a lot of other things...but you're getting Leif Garrett in a dress and you're liking it!)
Who's Leaving This Off Their Resume?
In addition to the aforementioned stars, the cast also includes Richard (Shaft) Roundtree as the traditional hard-ass police captain. It's a thankless role, but every cop movie's got to have one, if only to shout "You're off the case!" It's also interesting to see some performers more familiar for their voice work: Angela Gibbs (Sealab 2021) as a desk cop; Patricia Patts (the voice of Peppermint Patty in a couple of Peanuts specials) as a teenage party-line user who becomes a vital witness; and Terence McGovern (DuckTales) as one of Seth & Angelina's victims.
Labels: vhs vednesday
This past weekend, Dad's Garage Theatre Company began the new season of their improvised soap-opera SCANDAL! This time around, it's set against the backdrop of the American Revolution (which doesn't stop them from using characters from different eras, such as an immortal Spanish conquistador and a time-traveling high school student). As in past seasons, I've been taking notes and assembling the crazy goings-on into a weekly synopsis (given to the patrons to bring them up to speed on what happened last week). But NOW, I'm also putting them up on a blog, so even people who don't go to Dad's Garage can vicariously experience the madness that is SCANDAL!
(And hey, Blockade Boy! We even managed to work the phrase "killer biker 'stache" into an 18th-century story!)
Labels: dad's garage, killer biker 'stache, scandal
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Kids' Jokes for Foolio, 3-1
Today's jokes from the kids at "Uncle Grampa's Hoo-Dilly Storytime":
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because it wants to jump way up high!"
"What do you call a snail on a boat?"
"A snailor!"
"What goes 100 miles an hour, is ugly and green and red?"
"Foolio on a windshield!"
"What do you call a bear eating sharks?"
"A shark-eater!"
"How many cheapskates does it take to change a light bulb?"
"None! They sit in the dark!"
"What did one hedgehog say to the other hedgehog?"
"Bawk bawk!"
"Why did the turkey cross the road?"
"To get to the other side!"
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Boo who?"
"Don't cry!"
"Why did the cookie go to the doctor?"
"Because it was sick!"
"What did one quarter say to the other quarter?"
"I love you goo-goo!"
Labels: dad's garage, foolio, jokes, uncle grampa