Dial S for Sketch: Grasshopper by Nathan Massengill
Inspired by Siskoid's "Dial H" evaluations (in which he looks back at the various one-shot characters from DC's "Dial H for Hero" and considers their chances of making it as actual recurring DC characters), I've started a new sketchbook to collect different artists' interpretations of these "disposable" characters. At today's Atlanta Comic Con, I got the book started with a piece by Nathan Massengill.
Massengill fondly remembered the '80s "Dial H" series, and he picked out a character he recalled from his youth: Vicki Grant's "Grasshopper" identity from Adventure Comics #479. 
(Obviously, when I say that he remembered this character, I don't mean to suggest that he drew it from memory...I brought the Adventure Comics run and the Robby Reed-era "Dial H" Showcase book for reference. Still, I was impressed, and a little relieved, that the first artist I approached for this project was one who's familiar with the series.)
Labels: con sketches, dial h