Fish-Flavored Baseball Bat

It's a John Cleese reference.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kids' Jokes for Foolio 2-24

Once again, from this morning's "Uncle Grampa's Hoo-Dilly Storytime," jokes direct from the mouths of babes (with all the non sequiturs and classic groaners that we love):

"What do you call a sleeping bull?"
"A bulldozer."

"How does Jesus curl his hair?"
"With a bra."

"Why does the cow wake up in the morning with a sleepy head?"
"I don't know, why DOES the cow wake up in the morning with a sleepy head?"
"I don't know."
(Yes, that was it...either the little girl had forgotten the punchline, or it was a genuine inquiry.)

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Is Andy Candy home?"
"Is Andy Candy home who?"
"Because it is I, Captain Vegetable!"

"What kind of keys can you not put in a lock?"
"Piano keys!"

"What did the king say when he was scared?"
"I want my mummy!"

"Why do ducks have such big feet?"
"To stamp out fires."

"Why do skunks have sense?"
"Lots of it, stinky scents!"

"Why do elephants have such big feet?"
"To stamp out burning ducks."

"Whose face is red, yellow, and green?"

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting cow."

"Why do gorillas have such big noses?"
"Because they have such big fingers!"

"What do you get with a bug and a dog?"
"A bee-gle!"

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